Ancient Genoa - Rapetta Ivo

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Ancient Genoa

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Ancient Genoa, the Genoa of our grandparents of our fathers, a Genoa that largely no longer exists because those who have governed and who governs us still, preferred sacrificre the history of Genoa and the Genoese in the name of speculation and they go all our disapproval.

The centuries-old walls of the houses of the "Coelia", via the Mother of God, Vico straight bridge and many other beautiful places in Genoa no longer exist for their guilt. I seem to still be affected by the screams of the countless street children of the Mother of God (sometimes barefoot and ragged, dirty hands and faces), busy with their games, I think I hear the cries of hawkers of fish, dell'arrotino, the receiver of the "street sweeper" which called on to prepare the bucket with the trash for pickup from door to door, the smells of fried pesto and then the whole essence of a people has been cleared by the greed of man.

On seeing the photographs already glimpsed on television with Elio Vito Petrucci (who commented along with the Vietz), I get the feeling that a thin wire to tie me to places that I've never gone and seen it, but I feel strongly about my own, perhaps helped in this the souls of my loved ones from up there looking at me and I protect we.

Aging and therefore approaching the end of my life I always feel more connected to a wonderful city that I gave birth and I have always loved and pampered. I love Genoa and I will love you forever.
(in the pic: Cristopher Columbus home)

(Ivo Rapetta)

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