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SIDE DISHES, pies, cakes.
ROLL OF SPINACH - Piera Banchero
Boil half a kg. potatoes (with skin) mash, add 100 gr. flour, salt, egg yolk. Making dough and spread it to the height of one cm., On a floured towel (of course that is not spotless and smells of detergent) Boil half a kilogram of spinach, chop them and pass them to the butter. Combine an egg, grated cheese and salt. Spread them on the dough and roll type of potato strudel. Wrap in paper towel, tying the two ends. Cook in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool and cut into slices. Place in a baking dish, season with butter, sage and parmesan cheese and brown in the oven. (you can also season with tomato sauce or other sauce of your choice)
Porridge ... just do not call it the pumpkin porridge.
And ... yes, because this is not the recipe for a region, a river or a city, but a district of Genoa.
Only in Sestri Ponente (Genoa), in fact when you say "porridge" is specified if it is eaten chickpea flour (this delight in the entire province) or pumpkin porridge, typical only of this delegation and able to come to an agreement and palate balance. The great virtue of this dish is the use of a low calorie food such as pumpkin (less than 20 calories per 100 grams), which, unlike the pumpkin pie is baked raw retaining its full flavor typically sweet.
Ingredients: 200 grams of wheat flour | 30 ml of extra virgin olive oil salt | | 100 ml of water | a pumpkin by about a pound | 100 grams of Parmesan cheese | oregano
Clean the pumpkin seeds and peel. Let rest for a few hours in a colander because expel excess water. Proceed grattugiandola.
Mix the flour with water, salt and oil to make a soft dough and leave to rest covered for about half an hour.
Meanwhile, heat the oven to 200 degrees.
Roll out the dough and arrange in a greased pan so that it comes from the edges slightly.
Mix the pumpkin with grated Parmesan cheese and pour it into the pan, evenly to the fork.
Close the excess edge on the topping and sprinkle with oregano, then bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
Serve warm.
Grandma says, "it is essential to know how to choose the suitable pumpkin, which should not be too wet and must be of the ribbed ones nowadays are used to celebrate Halloween ... To avoid cutting and peeling it is recommended to use a potato peeler. "
Where can I taste it: at the fainotti, fast typical of the place.
If I want to order it, pretending to call the local "fainaa de Succa"
LE BUGIE DELLA VINCE - Vittoria Traversa
Ingredients: 300 gr flour,
25 gr soft butter,
50 g sugar,
1 egg,
1 pinch of salt
red orange juice or dry white wine,
oil for frying
Mix the flour with the butter until you have crumbs, then add the lightly beaten egg, salt, sugar and mix with orange juice or white wine until you have a ball of dough soft and not sticky.
Let rest at least ½ hour.
Roll out the dough with the machine, cut into strips, knot them and fry in hot oil. Drain well and sprinkle with icing sugar.
"THE CHARLOT-TINA" - Tina Mamola
This dessert is one of the first that I made with my imagination. For this reason, the name has undergone adaptation and merging with mine. It 'tied, for me, the memory of a celebrated pre-Christmas atmosphere with Angela, Monica, and Valeria Cristina, greedy friends who have tasted and promptly renamed my sweet.
1) Sheath with plastic wrap, leaving overflow, a stencil crème caramel. I prefer the single doses, but the cake can be achieved with traditional mold for most people.
2) prepare my "Tina Pan"-a personal and revised version of the sponge-clipping a disk of the same measures in the bottom and a strip high and as long as the stencil and settle all in the same mold. With a big bathroom with a pastry brush egg liqueur type VOV.
3) From inside a cream thus obtained: pissed for a long time to surf with electric beaters, 1 egg yolk with 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon of boiling water to pasteurize the egg yolk; add gently, by hand, 150gr. whipped cream cake. Towards the all-serving for 3-treats and cover with a disk of my pan Tina, so overflowing with film. Must rest at least 2 hours in the fridge, then spills into the pot by removing the film slowly and decorate the top with whipped cream on a ciuffettone that you have passed a candied cherry in sugar.
Quince - Vittoria Traversa
1 kg cooked fruits and passed,
1 kg sugar
Wash the quince to remove the fuzz. Cut into 4, remove the core, but not the peel and put to cook in a saucepan with water to cover them flush. Boil until they are well kept. At this point you can put everything in a linen cloth to extract the juice to make jelly or prepare the quince with all the juice. I do so because I do not like jelly. Switch to the pulp mill or the robot. More grain is the grain of the past, the better. Weigh the pulp obtained and put it on the fire with the same weight of sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring almost constantly until the mixture comes off the pot. Pour into a greased baking dish and sprinkle with granulated sugar to a maximum thickness of 2 cm. Smooth well, sprinkle with caster sugar and leave to dry for 3 or 4 days. I occasionally turned the over / under and powdered sugar again. When it is dry, cut it into squares, roll them in sugar and store in sealed tin cans wrapped in greaseproof paper or baking cups.
This recipe is easy to realize, but highly effective, in my opinion, both the presentation and the taste.
And 'dedicated to those who have little time to cook.
CIOCCOSO - Tina Mamola
It is a delicious dessert for that last moment they want to prepare a dessert immediately: THE CIOCCOSO, in fact.
Directly in the dish: Place two split ladyfingers in half and soaked briefly in a sauce of chocolate, thus obtained: in 150g of milk or cream very hot - or if there is no water in the house neither the one nor the other-if cold -lumps would combine 50g of sugar and 50g of cocoa mix with a whisk and heat to thicken a bit '. Pour over the biscuits soaked 2 or 3 tablespoons of whipped cream. Pour the cream over the melted dark chocolate in a double boiler. Sprinkle with toasted hazelnuts and chopped. Two more pieces of sponge soaked in liqueur but this time VOV sauce and chocolate mixed together. Placing cookies vertically, Pucciati gently into the mound of whipped cream. 15
Put a fork in the dish and sprinkle with cocoa mixed with coffee, then remove the fork plane x obtain the decoration with the powdered form that will remain on the plate.
This cake is very easy to be realized, but a little 'different from the usual shape: a flower, "handmade"!
1) I prepare my Pan Tina but I ARRANGE in the oven dish.
2) When it is cold, using a cardboard cut in the shape of the drop is not too small, cutout 5 drops, plus a diskette, using a pastry cutter or a glass.
3) Do I have directly in a nice big plate 5 petals and the center put the diskette.
4) Cookin 'raw with 2 tablespoons water 200g of apricot jam and distribute gently over the entire flower.
5) At this point fantasy decor with fresh fruit: usually mark the outline of the petals with beads of red currants, which I keep in the freezer available throughout the year, and gradually settle the fruit pleasing to follow the initial track being careful juxtaposition of colors. You only need to liberate imagination and creativity.
6) The disk in the center, however, can be white-with-whipped cream or jam with dark brown or darkened cream with melted chocolate.
7) Any jam diluted with lukewarm water should brush across the fruit to make it shiny and slow deterioration.
JELLY ORANGE INES - Vittoria Travers
From the book of her grandmother:
6 oranges,
6 tablespoons sugar,
6 sheets of gelatin,
a tablespoon of orange liqueur and ½ liter of water.
The process is not there.
Agnes - Tried and tested for mold doses from 1.5 Lt
1 liter of freshly squeezed orange juice,
½ liter of water,
30 g of gelatin (10 grams per ½ liter of liquid),
1 tablespoon of sugar per orange juice (to taste)
Place the mold in the freezer empty.
Soak gelatin in cold water. Heat the dose of water with sugar and when it is melted remove from heat and dissolve in the gelatin. When everything is cold add the orange juice squeezed (filter it if you want). Allow to cool thoroughly until the mixture begins to thicken a little. 'Only then stir and pour into the mold very cold. Immediately put in the fridge for 6-8 hours at least. In the ring mold solidifies before, such as those in single portions. You can also quickly put the gelatin into the mold and then in the fridge, but will tend to divide a little 'pure juice from the pulp. becomes two-tone.
1 kg of flour,
75 gr. yeast,
3 cups sugar,
5 ounces raisins (mixed raisins etc.),
a pound orange peel and cedar to be cut into cubes,
50 g. Pine nuts,
5 g fennel seeds,
2 pinches of salt,
3 ounces and a half of butter,
1 cup of dry Marsala wine,
1 glass of orange flower water.
Procedure: Dissolve the yeast in half a cup of warm milk. Divide the flour in a half (500 grams), add the yeast and knead well to make a dough and let rise for about 4 or 5 hours in a warm place. After rising dough combine the other 500 grams of flour, sugar dissolved in melted butter, salt, Marsala, the water of orange blossom and work well. finally join the pine nuts and fennel fruit still works a lot. Divide the dough into two or three parts. Work 16
each part a little 'and tries to give as much as possible a spherical shape. Carve the top of a triangle, and ask it to rise again for about 8 hours in the nice warm place. When you are ready to cook spennellali with melted butter and bake at ca 200 degrees for an hour. Remember when you work the dough well to keep the windows closed and not to create air currents otherwise it deflates. And if you have a baker friend, you can cook them from him, in which case, carry out home dovendoli wrap them in a blanket. It 'an old recipe that has always worked in my house.
Variant yeast:
about a pound of flour 250 gr. yeast. Last year I tried to use the yeast in place of the beer that, anyhow, it seems to me you always leave a bitter taste in the mouth, and especially I was forced to cook and prepare my 20 pandolci between 23 and 24 because they dried in a shameful way. With the yeast does not happen, they remain beautiful moist inside, once cooked and almost completely cooled (I gave this advice a pastry chef) wrap them in wax paper and last really long.
250 gr. LM mix them with 500 gr. strong flour (but one time my grandmother who did not know the Manitoba and made of super pandolci as he did??, its true that we get involved too by mode), and let rise in a warm place (above the mantel heater) all night) the next day I put to soak the raisins in a large bowl and then put all the ingredients irroro them with melted butter with the sugar and then the raisins and let soak a good time.
At this point I take the 1/2kg. I make the fountain of remaining flour on a pastry board, I ask you in the middle of the leavened dough and work gradually with the ingredients soaked trying not to add liquid and possibly more flour. 4 loaves kneaded very well formed and once left to rise under bell (read pots), (12 hours) I put them in the oven. The fact that we put all the ingredients to marinate together is a flicker dictated by haste, I must say that it works very well because the ingredients are flavored more.
PANDOLCE LOW - Federico Olimpo
Genoese speciality.
1 Kg di farina 00,
4 hg burro,
4 hg zucchero,
¼ latte,
4 tuorli,
1 bustina di lievito (40 gr),
500 gr uvetta *,
500 gr pinoli *,
1 arancio,
1 limone,
* se metto anche canditi 1 Kg in tutto tra uvetta, pinoli e canditi
Impastare insieme farina, burro, zucchero, latte e tuorli. Vanillina, buccia di 1 arancio e 1 limone, poi unisco pinoli, canditi, uvetta, lievito, Dare la forma tonda piuttosto alta su una placca da forno coperta con carta forno. Cuocere a 200° per 20 min e poi abbassare a 180° per un’ora finchè non diventa ben colorito.
Non ho dosi precise né le ho mai fatte, è un’idea e come tale è da provare ed eventualmente modificare
Pasta frolla, crema pasticcera aromatizzata al fior d’arancio (utilizzare anche la scorza di limone nella bollitura del latte), marmellata di arance (quella con la scorza a pezzetti), uvetta, zucchero, pinoli.
Stendere la frolla e preparare delle cartellette monoporzione da cuocere in bianco. Una volta raffreddate mettere uno strato sottile di marmellata all’interno. Mescolare la crema con l’uvetta e riempire le tortine. Con lo zucchero e i pinoli fare un croccantino da rompere a pezzetti una volta raffreddato e metterlo in piccola quantità sulla tortina.
TORTA DE CIAVAI - (Cake Chiavari town in the province of Genoa) Tina Mamola
This is the cake Chiavari. It 'delicious!. As often happens, everyone has his versione.Questa is mine:
1 cake bread Tina"-the recipe is in charlot-tina, 6 macaroons, 3tuorli egg, 1 glass of rum, 4/2 shells dry Marsala, Whipped Cream, optional language of cat-
Halve the bread Tina," wet spray a little (just with the spray, the beach, of course, dedicated only to liquids pastry!) With rum diluted with water to taste sweet. It then starts to dial the sweet with the following layers. Start with a layer of 100g of whipped cream. Pour the cream crushed amaretti not fine. Spray again. Pour over crushed amaretti an eggnog, prepared as described below. Put on the other 100g of eggnog whipped cream and finally cover with the top half of the cake. Using a spatula cover with a little 'cream whole cake will take about 80g-abundant but if you do not make a big mistake! - But please, all the way around is fine adjust vertically, one next to each other well, the biscuits "cat's tongues". If you want to overdo it, pass a satin ribbon around the circumference of the cake, but NOT tight knot: very gently make a bow!
AFRICAN CAKE - Piera Banchero
Beat well three egg yolks with 2 ounces of melted butter and cold for a quarter of an hour, combine 2 cups sugar, 2 cups of flour and 2 teaspoons of cocoa, whisk again for a quarter of an hour, add the three egg whites until snow and half a bag of baking powder. Pour the mixture into a baking dish (diameter 26) greased and floured and bake in a hot oven gà to 190 degrees for about 30 minutes. (do the toothpick test). Once cool, cover it with powdered sugar.
ZABAIONE Tina Mamola
They told me that it was all very simple to do ....... but I have understood only certain details wrong so many times, until I found my recipe for eggnog. I do it like this:
In a saucepan with a thick bottom mount foam 4 egg yolks with 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Must be fitted long until the mixture is very white, soft, and only at this point and never stop working, add little by little 2 tablespoons dry Marsala wine. Put the pan in a water bath at other continuing to mount. It 'important that the FLAME does not leave the bottom of the container, not to do "crazy" eggnog that is baked in a water bath because in this way the heat is more subtle and widespread cooking sweeter. Remove from heat when it begins to thicken swelling. I used to stuff the cake of Chiavari, but also serves warm or cold with whipped cream or biscuits, preferably in martini cups, well decorated. That's fine, for example, even a "string" of puff pastry fried in hot oil: it is a snap, and decorate very well, or a swirl of caramel and some sfogliette of crunchy almonds
ZUPPA INGLESE - Piera Banchero
Prepare a custard with four egg yolks, and two-thirds of the same add a pound of melted dark chocolate and cold, a pound of mascarpone cheese and a pound of soft butter and the remaining third mezz'etto combine mascarpone cheese and butter mezz'etto. Prepare a wet rum, water and sugar in this wet and corporals (half a kg. Altogether). In a large bowl put a layer of corporals, cover with the black cream, a second layer of corporals and cover with the white cream, another layer of corporals and cover with apricot jam (or other fruit of your choice), another layer of corporals and cover with the remaining cream black. Garnish with whipped cream if necessary. It 'better to make this cake the day before to give way to the various flavors to blend well.