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(Maria) Grazia Quaranta
(Mary) Grace Quaranta as a singer born in Genoa, when, at the age of four years, appears on the scene for the first time.
At the age of sixteen he left for his first summer tour.
The following autumn he joins a band of international education based in Monaco of Bavaria and, with their first and later with its own training, he performed for eight years in clubs and clubs from across Europe.
His versatility has allowed so far to be heard from the stage of many countries and in ten different languages​​.
Grace has had the privilege to sing for HRH Charles, Lady Sarah Ferguson, Princess Caroline of Monaco and the Princes von Furstenberg.
The issue of the Porretta Soul Festival has played a leading role in two different nights, the opening with Andrea Mingardi and on Saturday accompanied by the All Stars Band.
In 2003, with his training, he attended the Jazz Festival of Nice, by obtaining critical acclaim.
December 13, 2003: The wedding of the year. Forty Grace sings for the Maestro Luciano Pavarotti, the new wife and an audience of special guests duet with Bono of U2, Sugar, Tony Renis and many other international cabaret stars.
ed I had the pleasure to know that Stephen and Grace, two beautiful people inside, a man and a woman that everyone wants as friends. No haughty or snobbish, they are like any branch of the show is: good as people and as artists, big heart, love for animals and education, and exemplary behavior. No one is like them, great!
bella e brava, un'artista incredibile